I updated my other blog with a satelite photo of where we believe the house use to be and denoted with boxes with "x"'s where we believe the ppl. that stayed were.
LostCoveThe sunherald is updating their site and discussion boards:
http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/You can look for ppl on craigslist...
There is also a list of missing and found ppl here:
http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/I know that the local freecycle.org group that was set up for the ms. gulfcoast is using it as a discussion and information group to try and help locate ppl. from around the mississippi gulf coast area.
Nola is updating their site:
http://www.nola.com/ and there are places to post under the discussions and chat, then select your parish and post.
http://unosearch.blogspot.com/ We are looking for anyone that worked at the UNO library, any staff, faculty or students that may have attended this school. Please post if you are okay.